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Saturday, January 12, 2013

Sundance, Slamdance, The Film Festival Circuit: No Budget Film Distribution

Anyone can make a movie. With no money. Share their film with the world. And be a well known filmmaker.

It's not that hard to make a movie. Moviemaking has never been easier. I'm not saying it's easy. It's a lot of work. But anyone can make a movie if they put themselves to it.

Once your movie is made, there's a world waiting for it....on the film festival circuit! There's thousands of venues just waiting for you to send them your film.

It doesn't matter if it's 2 minutes long or 2 hours long. It doesn't matter if it's high quality or a grainy black and white film. As long as you have a good original story, film festivals will screen your film.

You have a lot of festivals to choose from. Sundance and Slamdance should be right at the top of your list. Everyone's heard of the Sundance Film Festival. But statistically, it's harder to get into Slamdance than Sundance. But if your film gets accepted to one of these fests, you can become a well known filmmaker overnight.
There's great websites and books to help you with the film festival process. Sites like Withoutabox and, books like Chris Gore's Ultimate Guide to Film Festivals.....lots of things.

I've got a chapter of great resources, tips and secrets to help you have a hit film on the film festival circuit without any money in my new book NO BUDGET FILMMAKING or How to Be a Well-Known Filmmaker & Be Broke at the Same Time.

Make your movie.

NO BUDGET FILMMAKING or How to Be a Well-Known Filmmaker & Be Broke at the Same Time
Written by Jack Truman
Copyright 2013 Dixie Publishing

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